Welcome to the GDSE in Practice website!

This website contains a collection of blog posts about a multitude of topics. The posts can be found below and can be read in any order, just pick the ones you like. Enjoy the read and good luck with implementing GDSE in Practice!

Overview of GDSE

Globally Distributed Software Engineering (GDSE): get a quickstart on the topic by reading this blog post!

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Useful tools

What tools can you use when working remotely? In this post we take a look at some of the most commonly used tools.

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Pair programming

Is pair programming still useful when working in a distributed setting? Find it out in this post!

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Team building

Team building is of great importance for productivity, but how is it possible to work on team spirit remotely?

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Daily standups

Daily standups can greatly improve the productivity of a team. Read all about it in this post!

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